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How can I come under care?

The candidates committee meets on the third Thursday during the months of March, June, and September, and the second Thursday in December. If you would like to come under the care of the presbytery, or have your internship approved, please submit all paperwork (download below) to the committee by the end of the month before the committee meets. More specifically:

  • If you would like to come under care or have your internship approved at the April presbytery, please submit all paperwork to the Candidates Committee by the end of February so we can review at our March meeting.
  • If you would like to come under care or have your internship approved at the July presbytery, please submit all paperwork to the Candidates Committee by the end of May so we can review at our June meeting.
  • If you would like to come under care or have your internship approved at the October presbytery, please submit all paperwork to the Candidates Committee by the end of August so we can review at our September meeting.
  • If you would like to come under care or have your internship approved at the January presbytery, please submit all paperwork to the Candidates committee by the end of November so we can review at our December meeting.

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How can I begin an internship?

Before the applicant begins his period of internship, he shall give to the Presbytery a written and/or an oral statement (at the discretion of the Presbytery) of his inward call to the ministry of the Word. Please see the application below for details.

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